Family history in context

Many genealogists will trace your ancestors back to the earliest possible generation which we are happy to do as part of our research service. But there is so much more to family history than where and when people were born, married and died.

We have helped all my clients find more about their ancestors: the way they lived, what their town looks like now, their brushes with institutions that recorded them and many, many more snippets of information that put your ancestors' lives in context.


From £500 for a fully researched family history ready for you to print

Perfect as a…

…wedding present
…wedding anniversary gift
…birthday present
…Christmas present
...christening gift

Download an example report or email me your own ideas for a gift and let's start planning the perfect present.

Gift reports

It is no coincidence that
story appears in history, and beyond the births marriages and deaths lies a whole story waiting to be told about your family. Gift reports contain information about your ancestors' lives in an illustrated report which can be printed and bound: perfect as a special gift.

These Ancestories gift reports will typically feature:

Signatures, images from then and now, maps, local historical context, military explanations, images of places of worship and celebration, newspaper articles, photos of houses in which your ancestors lived, chart displaying their relationship to you, ideas for further research.

Download a sample report for more information.

Family tree charts

Beautifully laid out trees ready to frame and display in your home.
Download the sample report to see more charts.

fan chart

Fan chart of Queen Elizabeth II of England

Examples of records I regularly search

Census returns, civil registrations, company personnel records, institutional records, immigration papers, Irish land records, Jewish records, local and national newspapers, maps, military records, monumental inscriptions, oral history accounts, parish chest documents, passenger lists, pension records, specialist library government correspondence holdings, wills and probate documents.
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